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Guangzhou voor beginners

21 septembre 2013

Mr P family

de saga Familie P gaat verder. dochter lief had een aantal maanden geleden een vriendje. vriendje was niet goed genoeg. na veel tranen ging dochter in Foshan werken. ze woonde daar samen met een vriendin. nu blijkt dat die vriendin haar vriendje te zijn....
19 septembre 2013


het is maanfestival. het is volle maan maar de hemel wordt verlicht door vuurwerk. mijn vriendin vertelde me dat de bedoeling is om ook een lantaarn met licht de lucht te laten ( met een wens natuurlijk). maar in guangzhou downtown is het momenteel verboden...
16 septembre 2013

flower market

flower market
sfeerbeelden van de bloemenmarkt pictures of the flower market I went to the flowermarket with friend to buy a vase.we pointed Mr P a vase she liked. So he asked the price. The saleslady asked whether the vase is for him or for us.Mr P told her that he...
15 septembre 2013


boashan is an oasis. it is hard to believe a quiet place like this exists in Guangzhou. the private gardens feel cooler then downtown. the garden is clean ( and smoke free - a miracle in guangzhou).some people recommand the teahouse but I didn t test...
7 septembre 2013

guangzhou puppet theater

guangzhou puppet theater
this is integration;-)we went to the guangzhou puppet theater in Haizuno 51, hongde luwe were the only foreigners in a chinese crowd watching the famous true and false sun wu kong.every chinese knows this story. but I m not chinese...but even if I didn...
5 septembre 2013


in panyu there is a ancient Song dynasty town called shawan. (55 rmb entrance fee) I wanted to visit it with my friend. But Mr P was curious what was special about the town. so he followed/accompagnied us the whole trip. I really like Mr P and I m grateful...
4 septembre 2013


in July the landlord wanted to get us out of our house. he wants to sell the house but we can stay in the house if we pay extra.J didn t want to pay and negotiate quiet hard. he is better in these things then I am. the whole scene was enoying so I didn't...
3 septembre 2013


First day at school for the kids.So I planned a quiet evening for the children after a exacting day.when I took them at their room for their shower.going upstairs I hear water. so I thought that one of the childrenforgot the close the tap. I already prepared...
2 septembre 2013


zondag :de bliksem is weer ingeslagen. terwijl ik de kaarsen uithaal, blijft J gewoon wachten op de toilet tot mama de boel oplost. bijna elk onweer slaat de bliksem wel in , maar gewoon omdat J op de toilet was blijven zitten in het donker( wat ik wel...
31 août 2013

little gym

little gym
tested for you : the little gym Seth has too much energy so I was looking for a sport activity for him. and now we found it. It is called little gym ( north tower of the center plaza close to the east station) after warm up, there are 3 circuits set up...
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Guangzhou voor beginners